
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Digital Imaging

In my Digital Imaging class, our assignment was to scan in a set of color and black + white negatives. With these negatives we will be editing them and then printing them using photoshop. Because I took a digital imaging class in high school, I've already learned some of the basics of editing. So I decided to go ahead and edit some of the negatives that I scanned in.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Book of Poems

For next year, I am applying to be a RA at The School of Visual Arts. To complete the application, it is required that each applicant create an "About Me" presentation. This presentation is to be a work of art to show who you are as a person and how you express yourself artistically. To complete this project, I decided to create my own book. This book is going to consist of photographs and poems. I have always loved writing and reading. So I figured this would be a good way to show my two greatest passions. Shown here are the cover and a page (with a photo and a poem).

Click to enlarge

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Watercolor with Photography

Monday nights, I have symposium classes, which mean that they change every six weeks. During the past few weeks I've had class with Allen Frame. During last weeks class, he showed us slides of many artists work, including Darrel Ellis's. He did a lot of paintings based on his fathers photography. Who had died in Harlem when his son was a boy. Within his work, he had done some water color work where he had painted over the photographs. This gave me the idea to try it for myself.

"During his lifetime, Darrel Ellis created a large body of work that was based on family photographs taken by his father, who suffered a brutal death at the hands of careless police officers a month before Ellis was born. Ellis himself died an untimely death at the age of 34 from AIDS. " 
(excerpt from 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Scan Something

The other day I was scanning images for Raz Marf ( you can view his website at In his note book he had marked the pages that he wanted to scan with little strips of paper. When I had finished I had all of these little strips of paper and I decided to see what it looked like when I just scanned them in. Then half way through the scan I decided to move them around while it was scanning, and this is what happened.

After scanning the pieces of paper I decided to see what would happen if I scanned my own face. I rather like the out come and I also edited the contrast and the levels. I hope you like it.